We know that finding a good fit in a church home and getting connected can be a little daunting. Good news – we've made it as easy as 1-2-3!

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1. Click the “Plan a Visit” button - We’ll ask for your name, email, and cell phone number. We promise not to share your information, and we’ll use it to make contact with you just a few times. If you decide that TBC isn’t a good fit for you, no worries. We won’t pester you!

2. Join us for Pizza With a Pastor - This informal, get-to-know-you event is just for people who are new to TBC. It takes place at 11:45 AM on selected Sundays throughout the year. Have lunch with our pastors and get your questions answered as we become better acquainted.

Visit our Event Listings page to find the next coffee event.


3. Plug In - We’ll help you find a small group, Bible study, or other ministry opportunity that’s a great fit and will help you in your journey as you seek Christ or draw closer to him. 

Email Doug Will to take the next step and get into a study or small group.