For you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. – Galatians 5:13

Hear how volunteers grow in their faith and in their relationships by serving at TBC!

We don’t serve to obtain or keep salvation, for salvation cannot possibly by achieved by man’s works. Jesus secured our salvation on the cross. But as believers of God and followers of Christ, we joyfully answer the call to serve God by serving others. We offer opportunities for serving within the church family, within our community, and around the world.


Volunteers are needed for nearly every aspect of ministry: greeting, children’s ministry, student ministry, young adults ministry, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, worship arts, technical arts, etc.


These are just a few of the ways we serve our Topeka neighbors:

  • CAB Care Closet - Free clothing distributions (roughly every quarter). Gently used clothes are received, stored, and distributed at our College Avenue Building, 1135 SW College Ave (enter on the north side). If you’d like to help with sorting clothes or working at our distribution days, contact us!

  • Harvesters Food Distribution - We partner with Harvesters to distribute food to anyone in need the second Tuesday of each month from 8-10 AM in the Kansas Expocentre parking lot (distribution begins at 9). Anyone may receive food, no qualifications necessary. Volunteers are always needed to help with managing traffic and parking, intake of recipients, and organizing and distributing food.

  • Makeover Ministry - This ministry helps serve single parents, the elderly and those with disabilities, and others in the congregation who have experienced sudden relocation without household furnishings. We are always looking for people with muscle to help move furniture. We also welcome donations of household furnishings or appliances that are in working order. Because of the great demand for assistance, our first priority is serving underserved members of our congregation. Please contact volunteer Melody Congdon with requests for assistance or if you plan to contribute large items.

  • Chore Corps - Men helping widows with household and yard tasks. Learn more.


Our missionaries are real people with families, needs, wants and hopes; people who have answered God's call to win the lost, and minister in Christ's name to the needs of those around them. They have diverse backgrounds and gifts and serve in a variety of areas and ministries. Learn more.