Filter: Jim Congdon
2 Corinthians - The Most Hated Verse in the Bible
Numbers - Trust and Obey
Beating Burnout - A Six Fix for Burnout Doubt
Beating Burnout - Emergency Treatment
1 Corinthians - All Things to All People
1 Corinthians - Marriage in Christ
Retold - Jesus Walking on the Water
Retold - Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
Retold - The Fiery Furnace
Numbers - Trust and Obey
Beating Burnout - A Six Fix for Burnout Doubt
Beating Burnout - Emergency Treatment
1 Corinthians - All Things to All People
1 Corinthians - Marriage in Christ
Retold - Jesus Walking on the Water
Retold - Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
Retold - The Fiery Furnace
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